Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Luke

Can we really almost be coming up on 6 months since Mr Luke Jeffrey came into this world? 
I'm pretty big on half birthdays so I'm sure I'll do a post for him on that day. But for now I have to write down the latest and greatest before I forget. 
My big boy is officially a good napper. It's not unusual to get two shorter naps and one nice long 2+ snoozer in the day. If all the stars align, it is at the same time as Sam's nap and gives me a nice break in the middle of the day. Sam didn't nap longer than 45 minutes until 9 months old so I consider this a win. Luke goes to bed around 7 and starts his day around 630. He has one overnight wake up in there for a quick nurse and he's right back out. I'll work on that later :) but for now I know it could be worse.
We've thrown sweet potatoes and pears into his diet, and he STILL spits up buckets :( I want to say Sam had slowed down by now? Crazy how quickly you forget. That said, he's doing fantastic with his solid food; he gobbles it up. 
He is sitting up on his own fairly well. Like, 10-15 minutes could go by without him toppling over. Sometimes if he starts to fuss I'll just sit him up and he's happy. 
He's a raspberry blowing, cooing machine. He loves being talked to, really soaks up attention. Second child syndrome? ;) 
Sam wanted me to read him a book this afternoon so I made him sit by Luke so Luke could see it too. My goodness, little guy just loved it! His eyes got huge as he looked at the pages... He look from me to the book and back to me and then to Sam, it was the cutest thing! I've read him books before, but he's usually on my lap so I don't get to see his reaction much. I think I'll read to them like this every day! I managed to snap a picture in between pages.... 

 I think Luke is going to be curious and nosy. He's always wanting to be in on the action and know what's going on. He is active and alert, a lot like his brother. 
Lord, help me! ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Does seem like Luke is getting big fast. I love those pictures of the boys. And now that I know they were sitting there together getting read to, they are even better!
