Thursday, September 5, 2013

Back at it.

It's been a long time since I've blogged. I could bore you with all the reasons why, but instead I'll just say life has gotten in the way. But I'm back! 
Life is as busy as ever now that I'm a mom to two boys under two! By the way, this is going to be a mom blog. My life pretty much revolves around my two sweet babies. 
Sam is my almost two (can he really be almost two?!) year old. 
 He is just full of life and mischief and personality. He's friendly and funny and has the sweetest little heart. He likes planes and cars and tractors and all things boy. He's a fan of Mickey Mouse (aren't they all?) and woody from toy story, and taking his shoes on and off all day long. He adores his baby brother and is a huge daddy's boy. I love it most of the time. Maybe 10% of me is jealous that he looks at me like I'm chopped liver after his dad walks in. But really, watching them together melts my heart and fills me with true joy. That's why only 25% of me is jealous.

Luke is my 3 month old. I didn't know if my heart was capable of loving another child after my first. I know all second time moms think that, but it doesn't really help to hear that it's normal. I was sure I must just love my first baby more than everyone else does. Enter Luke. My heart grew and I am beyond smitten with this smiley little guy! 
He is such a good baby, thank God!! He's mellow and content, albeit active and not a great napper. He laughs and rolls and stares at his big brother. 


I am blessed beyond what I deserve. I stay home and spend all day loving on my boys. Or just trying to keep them alive. Whatever. 
I still learning how to do the mom thing. As soon as I have something figured out, it changes on me. My only constant is keeping Jesus at the center. Constant as in, I don't change my mind about it. Not that I always succeed. I've figured out that I'm going to need a lot of Jesus to deal with my two under two day in and day out. A lot of Jesus, and a lot of coffee.


  1. I am so happy you are back!!!!!!!! And I like what you did there... from 10% to 25%. I totally picked up on that. #FRIENDS ;)

    1. Liked that, huh? ;)
      Yes, Friends works its way into my daily life, multiple times a day! I love that I have friends who "get" all my subtle references! Glad to be back!!
