Monday, February 24, 2014

Potty training 101.

Well, I finally bit the bullet and did it. I kind of had no choice. Sam had made our whole lives miserable with his constant asking to be changed, telling us he wanted to go on the toilet only to sit there and not go, demanding a diaper, throwing fits when he went because he had to be changed RIGHT THAT SECOND, and so on. In other words, he was beyond ready. I told him his diapers were almost gone and he would have to start wearing underwear soon. 
I was scared for the process. As a first time mom and a researcher at heart, I naturally had read a lot to prepare myself. It was a bit of a mistake (though I'd probably still do it if I went back) because HOLY information overload!! Everything contradicts and everyone is sure their way is right. Here is what I learned after my extensive research:

Wait until they're ready. 
No, just pick a time and do it. You could think they're ready but you might be wrong.
Accidents are good, but too many mean they aren't ready. Actually, accidents mean they are learning.
Put them in underwear. 
No, just leave them naked.
Pull ups are from Satan.
Take them to the toilet every 30 minutes, no ever hour, no every two hours. 
Don't pester them, just gently remind them. No, don't even remind them just let them have accidents it's how they learn, NO remind them, but only for the first few days. NO, "remind" them just by asking if they're dry. But not too often. 
Get a toddler sized potty. No, those are gross, just get them used to the big toilet right away. But those are super intimidating, maybe get a little potty. 
Do nights at the same time. No, just do diapers at night at first. 
Really, just wait until they're at least 3. No, don't wait or they'll have physical and psychological hang ups. 
It's easier to train them when they're younger. No, it's easier to train them when they're older. 
Any bumps in the road means they aren't ready so just try again in a few months. No dont give up, be consistent and persistent, they'll get it. 

And there you have it. Hours worth of research right at your fingertips. You're welcome. Is your head exploding? Mine was. 

We are a week in. He's got #1 down. #2... Not so much. I don't even really know what we did. We decided no more diapers no matter what except at night. It really only took a couple of days to get the peeing thing down. Hopefully the big duece will follow and we'll be done. 

Really though, my advice 
(Because you know, there's a real shortage of advice on this subject. Also, I'm a real expert. My kid has peed on the toilet for like 4 days in a row so you should really listen to me) 
is to just pick what makes sense to you and what you think will work for your kid and go for it. Don't over think it. They'll get it eventually.
Or they'll just be like Sam and stand in front of the toilet and poop on the floor. Forever. 
But he does look pretty cute in undies. 

1 comment:

  1. hahaha And there you have it. Every kid is different...Every learning experience will be different. Sam has done wonderfully, and so have you. Love the picture of him sitting there with Mike, lol And Lukey in the background going nuts. Brings back memories.
