Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Luckiest mom in the world.

That's how I feel right now. Like I've won the mom lottery. 
Before having kids, I wasn't sure how well I'd like it. I mean, I knew I wanted babies, I knew I would love them and blah blah blah, but would I really enjoy the whole mom thing? We had made the decision that I would stay home with my kids. That meant I was starting a new job where the hours were 24/7 and there was no quitting or going back. Ever. 
Kind of scary. Would a life devoted to changing diapers and getting spit up on thrill me enough that I'd feel fulfilled and happy? No way to tell. 
Fast forward two years and another baby later, and I can honestly say I've never been more thrilled with a job. It's harder, easier, more challenging, more rewarding, simpler and more complicated than I imagined it would be, all at the same time. How is that possible? I don't know, but it's the best way I can describe it. 
At Luke's four month check up, the dr gave me the go ahead to try rice cereal for helping Luke's massive spit up problem. It's less of a medical problem (he's gaining weight and seems relatively unaffected by it) and more of a laundry problem, but it would still be nice if he didn't barf up buckets after every feeding. Anyway, I wasn't thrilled to start. That meant regular pumping (which I hate) and just one step closer to purées, then finger foods, and the whole nine yards. Couldn't my little baby just stay little? Regardless of my attitude, I decided to give it a shot today. So I waited for Sams nap, then pumped some milk and mixed up some cereal. I strapped Luke into the high chair (he looked so big) and got a mini spoonful ready. It occurred to me around this time to take a picture of his first bite (Sam has at least 25 pictures of his) so I grabbed my trusty iPhone. I held the spoon by his mouth and watched with amazement as he opened up and gulped it down. His little face was slightly confused, then happy. He liked it! I had almost forgotten how fun it was to watch them try food. I spent the next several minutes slowly spoon feeding my littlest love and taking it all in. His sweet baby coos, his little smile, the way he sort of swished it around in his mouth and smacked his little lips... This is what I get to do with my life. Watch my babies learn and grow. My heart is full! 


  1. I remember telling you once, being a mom is a "high" like no are soo blessed that you get to have this job, and you do such a good job with it as well. This is such a cute pic of sweet little Luke. I am really missing his sweet snuggling little body today.

  2. AMEN! I loved your description: "It's harder, easier, more challenging, more rewarding, simpler and more complicated than I imagined it would be." YES YES YES.

    And omg, your boys are TWINS! Have more! Have more! I can't wait to give Porter a sibling, ahhhhh. It's crazy to me, to think of our next little bug :)

    1. Ha, I've had enough for right now, I think it's your turn!!! It's amazing how you love the second one just as much (which seems impossible) yet nothing about the first is dimmed. Crazy. Have another!!!!!
