Monday, December 9, 2013

Latest in the life of Sam

This kid!! So much is changing in this little ones life lately that I know I need to write it down. Document it before I blink and it's changed again. Blink again and he's different. Blink some more and I barely remember the sweet things that are making my heart smile today. 
The way he talks and the things he says just kill me. He has his pronouns confused right now, but he kinda knows it. He'll bring me a book and say, "momma read to you?" And then shake his head and correct himself, "Momma read to ME." It's so sweet. And who can resist reading the same book 14 times when he says, "Do it again, momma, pwease?" It's so hard to say no to pwease. Speaking of please, he's also become pretty good at "thank you," except he kind of thinks its a magical phrase that can get him out of doing anything he doesn't want to do. 
Time to come inside? "No bank you." Stop climbing on the couch? "No bank you." Time to change your diaper? "No bank you." 
At least he's polite. Kind of. 
He's also mastering the unprompted, "I love you," which is easily my favorite thing he's ever said, duh. I love asking him who he loves. He gets a big cheesy grin and starts listing people. I've never really prompted him to say certain people, I kind of just listen for his answer. Momma and Dada are always listed, sometimes grandparents, sometimes Mickey Mouse, etc. The other day, he listed "baby Wuke" and I about died. He is so sweet to his brother. 
However, we have seen a few moments of jealousy, which is actually a new thing for him. Mike was laying on the ground holding baby Luke, and Sam wanted to wrestle. He realized Luke was getting in the way of this, and he wasn't happy about it. He tried to push him over and said, "No baby Wuke, baby Wuke lay down." Lol. I wonder how he'll do with Luke getting older and actually doing more besides just sitting there not getting in the way of his fun? Guess we'll find out :) 
I was looking at pictures from 4 and 5 months ago and amazed at how different he looks and acts from then. Such recent pictures, and he's already a different kid. One day I might forget that he skips 5,6, and 7 when he counts to fifteen. Or the sweet way he says "momma kiss" when he gets hurt. Or the little song he sings for Baxter (digga digga digga digga Dax!). Or that he sings the Happy Birthday song every time he sees any kind of fire. 
I hate how quickly things change and fade. While I'm looking forward to watching him change and fade into a pre schooler, a 1st grader, a high schooler, etc, I just don't want it to go too quickly. I don't want to forget the little toddler he is today. I know it's so cliche for a parent to say they want to freeze time or for time to slow down, but it's so true! 
He amazes me daily. I love him and his baby brother beyond what I ever knew was possible. 
I hope I am spending enough time soaking it all in. 

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are having all these thoughts about your FIRST child...sadly, it never occurred to me. Probably because I was a child myself. I was in such a hurry to get Joe and John grown. With Jimmy I'd slowed down a bit, but it wasn't until you I was dragging my feet. I finally saw how quickly it goes. How easy it is to forget, How sweet it really is. Sam is just adorable. I love hearing about the little things he says and does. Cherish every little minute Mel, cause honestly you'll be me in a blink of a couple of eyes wondering where it all went.
