It started with a bad night of sleep. Luke is five months old and I still haven't figured him out yet. If another mom judged herself based on her infants sleep, I'd tell her she was being silly. But it really makes me feel like a crappy mom when my baby isn't sleeping well. Can't I figure out his needs? Does he need to cry, be comforted, be fed more, be fed less, sleep on his tummy, have on more clothes or less, stay awake longer or be put to bed sooner, blah blah blah? Shouldn't a mom know this stuff? Just as soon as I think I've got him figured out and we have a few good days in a row, something like last night happens. So ya, that happened.
Sam has a snotty nose and isn't napping well. He's also a bit restless and asks to go outside or "bye bye in mamas car" all day. I feel bad that he's so clearly bored. Doesn't he know I have to devote my day to getting his baby brother to sleep?
Luke napped like a rock star yesterday. Today, he's up after 20 minutes every time I lay him down. There's no getting him back to sleep. I even resorted to a "no reason comfort nurse", which worked while he was in my arms, but he woke up the second he was laid down. I decided I'd let him cry awhile, blow off steam. He NEEDS to sleep, and if that's the only way, so be it. Nope, he's one upped me again. Now he's just in there, awake, looking around. If I go get him, he's sure to turn into a fuss machine again. Sam just woke up, too. Annnnd cue Luke starting to cry. All while I have a sink full of dishes and half a batch of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies sitting waiting to be baked, that I haven't had time to finish. The ones that I have finished, aren't very good :/ Every task I've started today has been interrupted, and when I try to just forget it and focus on whichever kid did the interrupting, I somehow fail at that as well.
I know my problems in life are small. I'm truly grateful for that. I'm just tired and grumpy today. I'll get over it.
Off to get crying baby. Wish me luck for the rest of the day.